I’d pick MONEY. And I think we know why; cute just isn’t that cuddly when you’re scraping by…
Besides, you know those women we’ve all seen who are technically unattractive but who make so much of their looks that, in a pulled together kind of way, they are just stunning? I don’t think you have to be “beautiful” to have a great look…I think of it as very European – the perfect haircut, stylish clothes, unique accessories, dynamic makeup, impenetrable confidence but with a face that would never be called “pretty” by any standards. There is this all-American look that’s cute in a predictable way – it was so apparent to me when I lived in London as a kid - the perfectly straightened teeth, blonde-ish hair, possibly dimples…and while it always looks good, like the Land's End line of clothing or a cute bunny rabbit does, there is something about “strategic” beauty that is more interesting BY FAR – to me – than “natural” beauty, in all its perfection...because it’s all about good design and drama, really. But no matter how you slice it, the age thing appearing on a face isn’t even about beautiful or not beautiful…it’s about “tired”…we were out last night with the kids at a funky restaurant and I was seated in an odd place where I would catch my reflection in an adjacent window all too often and my one thought was that suddenly my eyes look exhausted and my eyebrows appear to be on crooked…what’s up with that? Did I ever have balanced eyebrows? All the eyeliner in the world won’t poof me into some magically fresher time in my life, which is fine…you just have to laugh at it…and you have to get really good at smoothing a few lines on your face in photoshop if you’re in the mood for a good picture. Enough said : )
Inner beauty is a whole different topic…this has nothing to do with a face, tired eyes or great style, obviously, but something to do with being at peace vs. in pieces. Back to that another time.

And speaking a smidgeon more of looks, your comments about the folks who work in health food stores having a certain “look” reminded me that I’ve certainly thought about the fact that we’ve dubbed healthy eaters “health-food-NUTS” or “health-FREAKS” (I too have been called these approximately a million times); the naming alone implies a touch of craziness, something unleashed about any behavior that would make someone actually like Tofu…something that spills out beyond the norm when you choose sprouts over gristle. The act of making the planet a better place, from careful food choices to an earthy approach to hair-care, from the politics of freedom to the nurturing and perpetuating of all things local, the tie-dye joie de vivre is all about individual choices, and dreadlocks, body piercing and tattoos fit well within this niche of creative expression.

I’m too much of a hybrid to pull off the health-food-store-hippy look myself; while I live fairly religiously on organic nuts and produce, fresh juices, and nothing that has a mother (cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, fish…you get the picture) I have never wanted to stop wearing leather (hats, boots, bags), or start wearing shoes that are higher in the front than the back for optimal spinal (or spiritual?) alignment, I don’t consistently shop with my own cloth bags, have no plans to give up my eyeliner and lipstick…and have actually found some PLASTIC toys throughout my years of childrearing that I believed to be superior to their wooden counterparts, I refuse to use a netty pot for my sinus annoyances and keep forgetting to compost. All this, I suspect, keeps me OUT-OF-THE-CLUB when it comes to being able to think of myself as pure enough to be called: earthy, tree-hugging (this would bug me, anyway), “green”, except when I am sick, although I think I do fine for someone who isn’t trying to be perfect at it…just haven’t gone down the path (yet) of twisting and back combing my tresses into dreads (although I was VERY close to a burning desire for white/bleached dreads in my 20’s but didn’t know where to start).

Your description, by the way, of the waitress being all “hummused up” is too dang funny…the next time I see you I’ll have to turn you on to Goji Berries (so you can say that you “did some Goji” or “got Goji’d up”)…these have been gaining in popularity over recent years but, between you and me, I have been eating these things for so long I’m pretty sure I invented them. I may have led you down the wrong path with the “Target Brand” yogurt; the Target’s store brand I was referring to is called “Archer Farms”. The graphics are very clean and they’re in many segments of the store, from soap to hot dogs…give it another try before we go blaming the sweet, limping city of New Orleans for not stocking those Target shelves competitively. Enjoy it if you can find it…or you could always buckle up your Birkenstocks and invest in a Yogurt Machine like the one I had years before I invented the Goji Berry : )
FYI (and keep in mind that if you find the price of OIKO yogurt off-putting, Goji Berries are the equivalent of buying chunks of GOLD at Health Food Stores – I once bought a 10oz bag for $15.00):
The goji berry, a sweet red fruit native to Asia, serves as both a botanical medicine and a food, and has a very pleasant taste - somewhere between a cherry and a cranberry. It has been used as a medicinal food for thousands of years, and has been studied extensively in modern times to substantiate its health benefits. With over 15% protein, 21 essential minerals, and 18 amino acids, as well as lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP), goji berry is a nutrient-dense superfood in a class all its own.
Here are just a few of the many benefits you get from eating goji berries:
Strengthens the immune system
Provides antioxidant and anti-aging effects
Protects the liver
Builds strong blood and promotes cardiovascular health
Supports eye health and improves visionAnd finally – I will add that I made no new friends as a result of my Goji habits but I fully enjoyed that 10oz bag. Very empowering if you enjoy a tough chew! Chomp…chomp!
1 comment:
Oh by the way, I pick wealth and beauty. Why not ?
I don't think it's greedy to want both. Who says you have to choose one over another ? I hear that American women...maybe women, in general, are getting more and more beautiful. It sure seems that way. I don't think they're doing too poorly in the financial area either....most of them.
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