Monday, July 13, 2009

Foamy Bats and Other Important Topics (Patty)

You are quite the font of nature's ways these days, the camping, the squirrels, the birds. You are Ruby Newbie, the Science Goobie (I reserve the right to mangle the English language when I deem it necessary...that was my variation on Bill Nye, the Science Guy).
Madison returned on Friday night and when I got up on Saturday morning she was already know how they had the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona on Saturday? Well, they have the Running of the Bulls in the French Quarter as well, but it's mean Roller Derby girls with foamy bats. (not the animal kind of bats, Goobie). I am always surprised at the huge turn-out this event generates, especially because it is at 6AM, the only time of day in July when it's not hot as hell.
Zeke has been cutting his own hair, and today's wrangle was "the haircut". He was not bothered as much by the appointment as by the fact that it was at 9:30AM. Remember when that was a ridiculously early hour?
I have to tell you that I am starting to look VERY old and have decided never to have my picture taken again. I am trying to transition to the attitude of how I FEEL being more important than how I LOOK. I discover new body parts every week that I didn't know could hurt, my eyes hurt occasionally now, and recently my butt started hurting for no particular reason while I was just sitting on it. So I am getting pleasure out of ordinary, painfree living.
That's what is happening in New Orleans today! Can't wait to hear s'more about the camp-out.


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