kids get me on festivities sometimes, rolling their eyes at dusty, excessive holiday decorations coming down from the attic or the notion that they would want an Easter basket, now so BABYISH, so philosophically incongruous..the whole rabbit/Resurrection disconnect...
But then, I see one of them on Facebook happily hugging an Easter Basket...what's that about?
"Oh, Ben's mom sent me an Easter Basket, she's so great!"...Hmmm, wait, I thought you said they were ridiculous? I would totally do Easter if you guys didn't taunt me the whole time. Seems like my kids have been teens for a long time.
So I drove some girls to Los Angeles last night to see In The Heights at the Pantages, (possibly America's most ornate thing) and Ah-bed from Community was sitting right behind us. He is a "D" List actor to most, but to me and Parker, he is a major celebrity, we salivate and wait for Ah-bed to arrive on the screen and we were tickled about our major sighting. We kept thinking of lame but excellent reasons to turn around, it was almost hard to watch the show. Driving home, I was going maybe 75 mph in the left lane of an 8-lane freeway and I suddenly, quickly had to MERGE RIGHT...what the f***...practically killing us all, although they were completely unaware of their impending doom...I was so wired when I got home that I couldn't fall asleep until 2AM...
But we live on to see another day. Did I tell you that Zack got a job at Commander's Palace? He likes it a lot, they call him "College Boy" in the kitchen. He also found a bass guitar in his new on-campus housing, so he has started playing the bass. Now it's getting weird. John went to Jesuit High School, Zack went to Jesuit High School. John went to Tulane, Zack went to Tulane. John worked at Commander's, Zack works at Commander's. And John played the bass..they don't seem like people with that much in common but...
Please don't laugh when I tell you that I am on my way to a Harry Potter Convention in Orlando. If you are looking for me, I will be at (just kill me now) The Night of a Thousand WIzards!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Meat, Lentils and Balloons (Ruby)

But besides the colors/themes and presents, there is the birthday dinner with all of us and another dinner that happens in the same week – “Night out with Daddy” – given to each of them as a present from Scot, written in different ways, tiny notes, scrawled across a large page and folded up, slipped into an eensie-weensie box or in Montserrat’s case this year, stuffed into the impressive Cylindrical Container that Scot’s Tomatin Scotch came in.
You’ll recall that Scot and I are strict Vegetarians and that we started raising our kids as Vegetarians as well (I describe it as eating “nothing that has a Mother” to avoid the Chicken & Fish question). My Mom would visit and apologetically nibble on her meaty dinners and I would hand her a special “meat-sponge” to avoid the cross contamination that repulsed me, in theory. Scot and I had enjoyed superb vegetarian fare in New York City where we’d met and we tamed our dinners-out behavior only a little when we moved to Madison. But nothing will cramp a couple’s style of dining daring like having kids and pretty soon our vegetarian lifestyle was more about Mac & Cheese and cereal than about anything close to the Ethnic adventures that had inspired us earlier on (Ethiopian, Indian, Ukranian…). Scot would eat a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats at midnight and call it dinner. I lived on Vanilla Yogurt. Most of our dinners were entirely white. None of our five kids seemed to like anything we’d want to eat, nor did they like anything prepared the way their siblings liked it and Scot got extremely good at doing 6 or 7 variations on a theme as we tried hard to help them branch out; Burritos could be adapted and personalized to suit all the food preferences and aversions that made up our family. And there were the staples: everyone liked homemade Pancakes, Progresso Lentil Soup seemed to get family-wide thumbs-up, Pretzels were O.K., Saltines suited everyone, most of us ate bananas, as long as there were no spots or brown marks and about one inch at both ends could be discarded (by Atticus, to this day)…and a few of us have historically tolerated specific flavors of Yoplait Yogurt, but there was no leveling-up in the world of dinner adventures at our house….for years.
That is, until the kids started to have more school lunches and had their first tastes of meat, the worst possible, lowest-common-denominator meat introduction. And we now know what we all fear - that School Lunches CAN AND DO lead to more serious meat-eating. Pretty soon, we found ourselves doing family runs to McDonald’s and expecting a couple of the kids to order VERY meaty dishes whenever we ate at restaurants. Scot and I had LOVED growing up on meat and never wanted to stifle our kids from wanting it, we just weren’t in the mood to buy it and cook it at home if we could avoid it. Until the year we did a Tofurkey AND a Turkey (Gobble-Gobble style) for Thanksgiving, which stuck as a tradition from that point on and which christened our very own kitchen and our very own pots, pans and spatulas as functionally “Flexitarian” (flexible eating style that accommodates vegetarian as well as meat-eating humans). At this point there has been some major ebb and flow to the interest and disinterest in meat but at any given time there is likely to be Tofu sitting next to Steak in the fridge. Cutting boards and sponges have become less discriminating and we’ve even set the table on occasion with knives, which were never necessary before.
All of which gets me back to the third-fourth-fifth celebration weekend this year. Montserrat has grown to love RIBS, wants them all the time, salivates when we drive by Famous Dave’s and the new Brickhouse BBQ place in town, so I decided to go for broke and cook ‘em myself for his birthday dinner. I asked my Mom how to do them, looked online, asked friends…ended up with the simplest way my Grandmother had done them – slow-cooking for a long time, then slathering them with a good BBQ sauce and broiling for short stints on both sides. We called them “Chewy-Chops” growing up. And I have come full circle now, embracing the meatiest and messiest of meats, watching the boys who ate them licking their fingers, getting messy, sucking on those bones, growling and beating their chests, while the other half of us ate Scot’s fabulous Lentil-Loaf – a Meat-Loaf Wannabe that is actually out-of-this-world yummy and reminiscent of the real-deal comfort food I grew up on. For the Fourth, today, we had a cookout which was all-encompassing as well; a medley of Steak and Beef Burgers, Oscar Mayer Weiners and Tofu Pups as well as Scot’s leftover Lentil Loaf, sliced and grilled with onion and cheese….all to perfection. Everyone had something to hum about. And the rain held off until we were done with our S’mores and Sparklers.

For their respective “Night’s out with Daddy”, Montserrat will do the equivalent of a Meat-Orgy at Samba Grill in town, where they slice hunks of various meats for you at your table according to a red-light/green-light cue from a wooden hourglass that you turn over to tell them either “keep it coming” (green end up) or “I have enough meat on my plate at this moment” (red end up). Antigone and Scot will go to our favorite Indian restaurant in town and nibble at meatless delicacies. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.
Well, that sums up our July so far.
Oh, and by the way, I also liked Christopher Plummer…and as far as what Bob Barker offered the world? a dimpled smile and – like I said - canned laughter, which was plenty for me as an eight year old!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Party of 5 or 5 Parties of 1 ?? (Patty)
For a long time, we were 5 people living in one house. I never questioned this or anticipated a time when that would be the exception...
In the past year, we have moved to Laguna, possibly temporarily, so we have kept our house in New Orleans. Zack is moving to off-campus housing at Tulane and Madison into a similar type place in year, Parker will go off to college, so we will have 5 monthly payments for 5 different residences...that's just WRONG! Where was my family planning guru 19 years ago...3 kids in college at the same time, that is some stress on the budget!
The house that Zack and his buddies are moving into is owned by Chinese people. I begin speaking Chinese immediately every time I deal with them, i.e. "Hi Kate, (they all have American names and Chinese names, Kate's real name is Xiang) this is Patty, Zack's Mom." She replies with something like "Sure, sure! I know who you are! We talka yessaday!"
Then I say, "Kate, we NO talka yessaday"...She also shakes her head up and down, what I thought was the international signal for "yes".... while saying "no", must be an Asian thing...
After I attend the Harry Potter convention (just shoot me now...) next week, I am going to check out Madison's new digs in Buckhead, apparently we need to head to Ikea and stay indefinitely....
And by the way, how could you be in love with Bob Barker when Christopher Plummer was out there in Austria falling in love with Maria?!? If it wasn't for The Colonel, no one currently in their 40s and 50s would know that eidleveiss was small and white! What did Bob Barker contribute to society? Nada.
In the past year, we have moved to Laguna, possibly temporarily, so we have kept our house in New Orleans. Zack is moving to off-campus housing at Tulane and Madison into a similar type place in year, Parker will go off to college, so we will have 5 monthly payments for 5 different residences...that's just WRONG! Where was my family planning guru 19 years ago...3 kids in college at the same time, that is some stress on the budget!
The house that Zack and his buddies are moving into is owned by Chinese people. I begin speaking Chinese immediately every time I deal with them, i.e. "Hi Kate, (they all have American names and Chinese names, Kate's real name is Xiang) this is Patty, Zack's Mom." She replies with something like "Sure, sure! I know who you are! We talka yessaday!"
Then I say, "Kate, we NO talka yessaday"...She also shakes her head up and down, what I thought was the international signal for "yes".... while saying "no", must be an Asian thing...
After I attend the Harry Potter convention (just shoot me now...) next week, I am going to check out Madison's new digs in Buckhead, apparently we need to head to Ikea and stay indefinitely....
And by the way, how could you be in love with Bob Barker when Christopher Plummer was out there in Austria falling in love with Maria?!? If it wasn't for The Colonel, no one currently in their 40s and 50s would know that eidleveiss was small and white! What did Bob Barker contribute to society? Nada.
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